VNET: Unlocking the power in your data

Precision technology seamlessly and easily connects machines, people, technology and insights, giving you the ability to see what’s happening in your fields and across your farm – no matter where you are, or what your operation is.

You can contact our VNET Precision Farming team on 1300 69 88 22.

Operations Center™ Support Packages

If you’re looking to take the next step in productivity improvements on your farm, our VNET Precision Farming team is ready to guide and support you along the path to becoming a data-led operation. We have developed an offering that will meet you at whichever stage of the digital journey you’re on, and guide you through the use of John Deere Operations Center™.

We’ve structured our VNET support packages to meet the requirements of your current stage in the journey to digital enablement, and tailored to the unique requirements of your farming systems. Please read on to understand the options available, and don’t hesitate to contact your local VNET specialist if you have any questions around the right package for your unique needs.


Why VNET Precision Farming?

By collecting valuable information and being empowered to share it with your team, as well as with trusted advisors, you’ll be well-equipped to make better decisions and optimise your operation across all stages.

If you’re just getting started on your journey with precision ag, or if you’re looking to do more than things like automated guidance, our Precision Farming team are here to help with advice and support – wherever and whenever you need it.

Whether it’s equipment optimisation, data collection, data analysis or the implementation of practices such as land forming or variable rate, we have the know-how and the focus to get precision ag working for you.

With decades of experience and knowledge, our dynamic and agile team specialise in customised solutions to suit your needs and help you get the most value from your investments – whatever you’re farming, and whichever colour your fleet is.

Our Mission

VNET has industry-leading expertise in technology adoption to increase profitability and sustainability in agriculture.

  • Trusted industry stewards, identifying future trends and developing solutions
  • Training and support of technology adoption – making complicated simple
  • Boots on the ground – regional support in grain, cotton, sugar, horticulture, and permanent crops
  • Deep understanding of our client’s operations and pre-eminence in agro-mechanical expertise to deliver unique solutions
  • Critical infrastructure of the ag supply chain using commercial partnerships for grower outcomes
  • Facilitate commercial adoption of industry research and best practice
  • Project management of new products and services; from concept to implementation and ongoing support
  • Data capture, management and interpretation to support management decisions and traceability outcomes

If you can’t measure it… you can’t manage it!

VNET has developed high levels skills to drive the latest technology across the collection and normalization of all your disparate data sources. Of particular interest are the historical yield data and existing machine telemetry data sources. VNET is then able to interrogate the data and refine workable innovations and solutions to profitability barriers, all the time bearing in mind your existing operations, practices, compliance issues and machinery investments.

VNET has a long and proud history of assisting growers, industry and government in the implementation of strategies, with a special focus on the engineering and project management of new machinery and technology integrations. But their greatest strength is to do it all again, year after year, to drive up productivity and profitability. Rinse and repeat!


Is technology helping you farm better?

VNET Precision Farming

Our Products

GNSS hardware for automation and data capture– Utilise a range of solutions including John Deere Greenstar products and other ISOBUS technology for agnostic outcomes; We work with ISOBUS ready equipment and modify older farm equipment to have ISOBUS capabilities; and project management of custom-built machine

Sensors– Environmental sensors, Infrastructure monitoring & Optical sensors

Crop yield – grains, cotton, sugar, fodder, and horticulture

Crop quality – onboard harvest machine sensor


VNET Precision Farming

Our Services

Understanding the factors that cause ‘in field variability’ is critical to improving product consistency and ultimately, your profitability.

VNET identify relationships between all available data to generate insights and crop management strategies that maximise profit


VNET Capabilities

Our experienced, expert precision ag specialists can help you with:

Equipment Optimisation & Data Collection

  • Guidance & Boundary Mapping- We can assist with boundary creation from existing layers, shape file imports or driving boundaries.
  • Wireless Data Transfer- Enable your machines to wirelessly send performance and agronomic data to your office or to mobile devices.
  • Supporting Data Layers- With ready access to drones and satellite imagery, we can collect and import data layers to help you assess crop health, plant count and weed density.

Data Management & Analysis

  • Cleaning Grain & Cotton Yield Data- We can help with post calibration, moisture correction in cotton, or cleaning up harvester trails where recording has been left on.
  • Topography & Water Flow- From collected elevation data, we can analyse topography and model water flow across paddocks to help you identify any levelling and drainage issues.
  • Apps for In-Field Analysis- We can get you set up with several apps that enable your collected paddock data to be viewed from a variety of mobile devices while on the go.

Precision Technology Implementation

  • Product Rate & Section Control- Increase the capability of air seeders, sprayers and spreaders through on-the-go fully automatic rate changes and section control.
  • Implement Steering- We install active implement guidance systems, helping achieve inter-row sowing or more consistent rows and planter tracking.
  • Customised Variable Rate Maps- Our consultants can help develop zoning and targeted nutrient application maps to maximise the value of seed, fertiliser and chemical inputs.


See our full suite of services below:

Crop Cycle Management

Crop health or bio-mass data generated by multi-spectral imagery (aircraft, drone or satellite) to measure crop density, plant stress, crop height and crown area.
Identify variability in plant structure and crop health for management decisions, optimised spray volumes and fine-tuning of other in-season management.
Change maps of seasonal loss in a tree stand from issues such as Phytophthora.


Field Design Service

VNET engineers offer field design services. Strategic use of row direction water flow analysis allows optimised inter-row surface drainage.

Where earthworks are required consideration of minimal topsoil disturbance is a priority. Designs can be output in various common digital formats for earthmoving contractors and irrigation suppliers.

In existing fields, VNET can identify directional drainage issues in the inter-rows and develop drainage designs to rectify issues.

Zonal Management

Software tools are available to allow portable access to digital maps and other data layers in the field.

Ground truthing of data is critical to building confidence in using it as a decision-support tool.

VNET assist in the creation of management zones or variable rate (Rx) files. These may be used in applications from machine control; such as variable rate spreading or spraying, to field staff assistance; such as targeted hand management workflows.

Soil EM & Grid Survey

Electro Magnetic Induction (EM Mapping) or grid soil sampling.
Identify variability in soil profile characteristics including water holding capacity and nutrition to understand the effect of this soil variability on performance.

Yield Data Mapping

Yield data maps are generated through load cells and data loggers linked to GPS positioning. Quantifying orchard variability to determine ROI from changes in crop management.

Surface Mapping

Acquire field topography through ground-based R.T.K. or Airborne Lidar Mapping. We offer pre-plant planning or analysis of established fields.

Topographic derivatives are created from the elevation for water flow analysis. Identify waterlogging and variable infiltration that may impact production and quality.

Design crop planting direction and infrastructure to optimise surface drainage with minimal topsoil disturbance from earthworks.

Data Analysis

VNET examine all available spatial data to identify cause-and-effect responses that may exist. ie relationships between crop management, soil variability and water flow.
Identifying field variability is important to assess if there may benefit from changes in management.

Quantifying the effect of variability on crop yield is used to determine ‘Return On Investment’ from zonal management strategies, such as variable rate technology.

Machine Automation

VNET has decades of experience in the design and implementation of machine automation using GPS and optical controllers.

Examples include variable rate liquid and dry product applications, machine height control and load cell yield measurements.

Machine automation is used for simplifying equipment operation, for accurate digital record-keeping, or for zonal variable rate applications.

Contact the VNET Precision Farming team today:


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Crop Cycle Management

Here’s how precision ag technology can help you during your crop cycle:

RDO Precision Farming - Prepare - RDO Equipment

Prepare: get off to a great start, with technology & equipment setup ready for the season ahead.

  • Optimise your drainage and soil conservation, with field water flow analysis and earthworks designs.
  • Understand the ground you’re working, with soil EM mapping for site specific soil nutrition sampling.
  • Configure equipment satellite guidance to reduce overlap and achieve automated headland turns – saving you time, fuel and inputs.
  • Record every machine pass in your fields from Tillage, Planting, Application and Harvest to capture machine telemetry and production data.

RDO Precision Farming - Plant - RDO Equipment

Planting: let Precision Ag technology work alongside you to improve your seed placement, spacing and emergence.

  • Get custom planting equipment technology to suit your individual needs – from row crop, to small seed vegetable planters to distance/pattern-based tree planters for orchard use.
  • Setup of planter technology for recording crop varieties and seed populations – preparation of planting data reports such as for Bollgard audits.
  • Our consultants can help optimise precision planter meters for ideal seed singulation, depth and down pressure.

RDO Precision Farming - Nurture - RDO Equipment

Nurturing: helping you deliver inputs with precision, for the best possible crop.

  • Document all fertiliser and pesticide crop input applications for quality record keeping.
  • Capture and provide airborne and satellite imagery for assessing crop health and biomass.
  • Send prescriptions to your machine wirelessly or via USB.
  • Precision guidance and application technology lets you spray faster, whilst minimising risk of crop damage.
  • Get real-time weather data right in your cab, for peace of mind with your applications.

RDO Precision Farming - Harvest - RDO Equipment

Harvesting: make the most of your year’s hard work.

  • Manage multiple machines in the one field, to share coverage maps and guidance lines between your fleet, plus remotely maintain optimal machine performance settings.
  • Documentation of every harvest pass for information on yield, moisture and more for your productivity reports.
  • Seamless sharing of harvest data with your approved supply chain partners via MyJohnDeere Operations Centre
  • Yield documentation setup, optimisation, and data routing services are available from our consultants.

RDO Precision Farming - Review - RDO Equipment

Reviewing: use quality collected data to make informed decisions for the next year.

  • Our team can lend a hand reviewing your harvest and other field data, and make recommendations on increasing profitability of your next crop.
  • Preparation of data such as post calibration or merging of multiple machine maps, to enable accurate post season analysis
  • Compare yield data variability to other factors, such as topography and soils or crop management practices, to understand what’s influencing your results.